
Eye Testing for Employees

Whether it is under the broader Health & Safety Regulations, or more specific Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Regulations - or simply Employers' Duty of Care obligations - as an employee you may be entitled to ask your employer to provide you with a regular Eye Test and appropriate eyewear if required for work.  This includes not only Safety Specs and Safety Prescription Eyewear but also Drivers glasses and VDU glasses when required.


All employers should provide the following for employees who regularly use VDU (computer) screens at work, drive in the course of their job, or carry out tasks which may result in eye injuries if proper safeguards are not in place:

  • A full eye examination from a qualified Optometrist
  • Subsequent eye examinations at regular intervals as specified by the examining Optometrist (normally every 2 years)
  • Basic VDU or driving glasses (this could mean single vision, bifocal or varifocal) if they are found necessary for an employee to carry out their work
  • Basic safety glasses (this could mean plano, single vision, bifocal or varifocal) if they were found necessary by relevant risk assessments for the work being done

Benefits of our on-site Corporate Eyecare services:

  • Saves the employer money - we can provide different schemes to meet every eye testing requirement, all on site - from only £5.00 per employee.  Call us for more details.
  • Improves cashflow - the Employer will only ever pay for those employees actually tested - no need to buy vouchers with an upfront cost, half of which may never be used.
  • Saves time - we carry out all eye testing at your place of work, during a short break.  Many employees consider this a real perk considering how busy our lifestyles are today.
  • Discounted Eyewear for all staff.  If anyone requires glasses, we carry over 400 frames to choose from with prices starting from as little as £25.00.
  • Peace of mind – The employer will know they have met any possible employer obligations

Click here to contact us for more details.